Hello everyone! The voices in the walls have been tapping their non-existent feet impatiently, and are raring to give you your first digest. Here we go…
voidspace in conversation
This week, we speak to Aoi Nakamura and Esteban Lecoq, co-founders of AΦE, about their travelling interactive dreamscape, WHIST, and how they use their unique blend of dance and VR to delve into the unconscious.
Read it here.
Explore past conversations here.
voidspace explores
Residency Artist Sharing: Paradise Craved - Interactive immersive ritual about belonging, doomed fights against higher powers, and trying to survive being lost in the city (Leo Doulton)
Theatre Deli, Leadenhall, London
2 November 2023, 2-4pm
WHIST - AΦE - VR / dance delving into the unconscious (Aoi Nakamura, Esteban Lecoq)
Mullhouse, France - 9 November 2023
Chatham: 16 - 19 November 2023
Immaculate - an intimate immersive experience, part performance, part ritual. Read interview here (Vinicius Salles)
SPACE 2, Leicester
9-10 November 2023
Bacchanalia, Sleepwalk Immersive - intimate, immersive retelling of Euripides’ Bacchae (Jordan Adaji, Fionn Cox-Davies, Fania Grigoriou)
Bethnal Green, London
12-25 November 2023
Intermission, Riptide - solo, therapeutic interactive theatre experience
23 November - 23 December 2023
360 film-making workshop - AΦE (Aoi Nakamura, Esteban Lecoq)
Chatham, Kent
26 November 2023
Studio Dreamachine - audiovisual dream creation experience
Hackney Downs, London
Until 3 December 2023
Interactive Soup - social event, dinner, and miniature funding platform for interactive theatremakers
Theatre Deli, Leadenhall, London
12 December 2023
Visual Textual - an exhibition by Playing Poetry
Phoenix Cinema and Art Centre, Leicester
Until 17 December 2023
voidspace at home
Howling Dogs by porpentine.
An absolute classic - if you’ve never heard of this game, play it to see the strange, heartfelt and deeply personal places lo-fi narrative gaming can take you
Excalibur by J. J. Guest, G. C. Baccaris and Duncan Bowsman
A game, disguised as a wiki about a fictional sci fi show. Absorbing, cleverly written and by turns hilarious and sad, its a great exploration of fandom, nostalgia and how deeply weird the 1970s was.
Lost in Austen: Create Your Own Adventure by Emma Campbell Webster
A choose your own adventure book, but make it Jane Austen.
voidspace writes
Imagined Cities: the latest pop-up submission call from the voidspace.
Listen to our cityscape soundtrack, imagine a city, then write about it.
Full instructions here.
Subs close 30 November 2023
voidspace 9: General call for interactive fiction, poetry, anything else you can think of.
Can be as simple as a text doc, or as complex as you like, it just has to give your reader agency. Find resources here or check out past issues for inspiration.
Full guidelines here
Subs close 7 January 2024
National Game Design Month
The rules are: Make a game! Can be big or small, digital or physical. Play it! Play someone else’s! Share and talk about the whole experience, as you go.
Full guidelines here
Ends 30 November 2023
Got an interactive event, game, or publication to share? Email us at voidspacezine@gmail.com to be included in future dispatches.